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Viewing practice exam results

It is now possible to view your completed practice exams using the AMEB Online website. Depending on the grade of your exam, and the number of questions in it that require manual marking, you will also receive either a complete or partial mark by which you can monitor your progress.

To access your results, use your exam key and pin to log in to the AMEB Online website. On the dashboard page, select Results from the left hand side menu.

A list of all your submitted exams will be displayed. Please note that if you have closed a practice exam without clicking on the Submit exam button, it will not show up in this list.  Select the practice exam you wish to see the results for, and click on the blue dropdown menu to its right hand side. Two options will be presented: View marks and View practice exam.

Clicking on View marks will show you either a complete or partial mark, depending on the grade of your exam. 

In early grades (Grades 1 and 2 Theory of Music, Grades 1 and 2 Musicianship, and Preliminary and Grade 1 Music Craft) all of the questions are automatically marked by AMEB's Online Exams software, and therefore the displayed mark accurately represents how you would have performed.

Higher level exams include an increasing number of more complex questions which our software cannot assess automatically (an AMEB Examiner will mark these in your official exam). Marks for these questions are not included in your overall practice exam mark, and therefore any displayed mark may not be reflective of your overall performance, and may not be a useful measure by which you can monitor your progress. More information on the exact number of automatically and manually marked questions per exam is provided at the bottom of this page.

Clicking on View Practice Exam will launch the AMEB Exams app, which will then load your completed practice exam. You can then navigate through each question, viewing your answers and seeing the mark awarded.
If you did not attempt a question you will receive a mark of 0 for that question, regardless of whether it is automatically or manually marked.

For all automatically marked questions, the mark will be displayed in the upper right hand side corner of the window. Any marks awarded are reflective of how you would perform in an official exam.

All manually marked questions will display as "-", no matter how many marks the question is worth. This does not mean that you performed poorly (if it was an automatically marked question that you got incorrect, a mark of 0 would be displayed). Rather, it means that the question cannot be assessed by the software, and so it has not contributed to your final mark for this practice exam. In your official exam one of AMEB’s assessment team will mark these question types, and will provide some brief feedback as to your performance for each question.

As mentioned above, due to the increasing number of manually marked questions, the displayed results for the higher grades are less and less reflective of how you would have performed. We provide this service so that you can show your completed attempts of these more complex questions to your teacher, and seek their feedback as to how you could improve your responses.

You can check the number and percentage of automatically and manually marked questions in the tables below. The middle column (‘percentage of total mark’ for automatically marked questions) can also be thought of as a ‘maximum possible mark’ in a practice exam. The final column ('percentage of total mark' for manually marked questions) is the total marks that cannot be assessed in practice exams.


Grade 1
Total questions: 65
Number of automatically marked questions: 65
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 2
Total questions: 50
Number of automatically marked questions: 50
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 3
Total questions: 53
Number of automatically marked questions: 49
Percentage of total mark: 76%
Number of manually marked questions: 4
Percentage of total mark: 24%

Grade 4
Total questions: 56
Number of automatically marked questions: 31
Percentage of total mark: 49%
Number of manually marked questions: 25
Percentage of total mark: 51%

Grade 5
Total questions: 38
Number of automatically marked questions: 16
Percentage of total mark: 24%
Number of manually marked questions: 27
Percentage of total mark: 76%

Grade 6
Total questions: 29
Number of automatically marked questions: 2
Percentage of total mark: 2%
Number of manually marked questions: 27
Percentage of total mark: 98%


Grade 1
Total questions: 56
Number of automatically marked questions: 56
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 2
Total questions: 55
Number of automatically marked questions: 55
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 3
Total questions: 52
Number of automatically marked questions: 46
Percentage of total mark: 66%
Number of manually marked questions: 6
Percentage of total mark: 34%

Grade 4
Total questions: 45
Number of automatically marked questions: 38
Percentage of total mark: 60%
Number of manually marked questions: 7
Percentage of total mark: 40%

Grade 5
Total questions: 49
Number of automatically marked questions: 21
Percentage of total mark: 37%
Number of manually marked questions: 28
Percentage of total mark: 63%

Grade 6
Total questions: 37
Number of automatically marked questions: 15
Percentage of total mark: 33%
Number of manually marked questions: 22
Percentage of total mark: 67%


Total questions: 51
Number of automatically marked questions: 51
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 1
Total questions: 61
Number of automatically marked questions: 61
Percentage of total mark: 100%
Number of manually marked questions: 0
Percentage of total mark: 0%

Grade 2
Total questions: 60
Number of automatically marked questions: 58
Percentage of total mark: 92%
Number of manually marked questions: 2
Percentage of total mark: 8%

Grade 3
Total questions: 55
Number of automatically marked questions: 50
Percentage of total mark: 84%
Number of manually marked questions: 5
Percentage of total mark: 16%

Grade 4
Total questions: 59
Number of automatically marked questions: 36
Percentage of total mark: 50%
Number of manually marked questions: 23
Percentage of total mark: 50%


With the exception of a small number of questions in Grade 1, all Speech & Performance Theory exams are entirely manually marked.